Animal Instinct’s destination marketing campaign wins Silver Addy Advertising Award for Direct Marketing.

It’s not a zoo or aquarium, but the Greater Cincinnati Film Commission recognized our destination marketing expertise and asked us to develop a campaign to sell the region as a haven for filmmaking to Hollywood producers, directors and location scouts.

Thomas R. Schiff, a Cincinnati resident and nationally recognized photographer of 360° panoramic landscapes, donated the use of his photographs.

To develop the campaign and capitalize on the unique photography, we put ourselves into the mindset of directors and location scouts. They start with a screenplay. The screenplay describes the locations for each scene through what is called a “slug line.” Locations are scouted based on the director’s vision for each slug line.

So we wrote 36 imaginary scenes to match the 36 photographs Mr. Schiff had donated. The photos were turned into oversize postcards that were mailed weekly to the target audience. The backside of each postcard remained the same with the exception of the Holiday mailing of a Season’s Greetings message. The campaign not only helped put Greater Cincinnati on the radar screen for filmmaking – it won a Silver Addy at the Awards Show.

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